
Important – Please remember to let us know if you change address or phone number. Also, if you’re a shareholder and have an email address we can use to notify you of any news, please let us know so we can add your details to our database (this saves postage costs). Simply send an email giving your full name and shareholder certificate number to:  

We find that many Shareholders raise similar queries about their shareholding status and so we’ve compiled a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ paper. To view this, please click on the ‘Documents’ tab above.

The RSSC is a private limited company and all founder members are shareholders.

There are legal regulations governing the sale of transfer of shares. These require shares (for sale) to be offered to existing shareholders. Therefore, shareholders cannot sell or transfer their share  without the approval of the RSSC Board. Any sales or transfers which are made outside of the RSSC regulations will be and are null and void. 

If you wish to sell or transfer your share (or wish to be informed of any shares which may be offered for sale) you must apply in writing to the RSSC at our registered address – RSSC Ltd, 3, Holloway Close, East Bridgford, Nottingham. NG13 8NG

If the RSSC approve an application to sell (or transfer) a share, the new holder must notify the RSSC in writing once the transaction is complete. The Shareholder Register will then be updated. The only exception is if a share is bequeathed to another person in the original shareholders’ will. In such cases, the person inheriting the share must contact the RSSC. Once the RSSC are satisfied that probate has been granted, the Shareholder Register will be updated. In the event of a shareholder dying without making a will, UK Intestacy laws will apply.

It is the responsibility of shareholders to notify the RSSC in writing if they change their name or address.

Articles of Association

In corporate governance, a company’s Articles of Association is a document which form the company’s constitution, defining the responsibilities of the directors, the kind of business to be undertaken, and the means by which the shareholders exert control over the board of directors. To view the RSSCs Articles of Association, please click on the ‘Documents’ tab above.

Sports and Social Club Ltd